Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Drunkety, drunk

"I'd been dying to get drunk from the moment I'd stepped into the first
 of many airports that brought me here..."

I'm in Maui. Maui Waui as some call it. Everything here is so much better than Honolulu. After doing so many active things in Honolulu all I want to do is get drunk. Everything in Hawaii has pineapple in it...and I mean everything. The first drink I ordered was a beer in one of the tall funnel looking things. It was some Hawaiian beer and it was delicious. She kept telling me to put by dress down but I felt so free. I wanted to run around downtown and felt it was necessary to show everyone my ass. Who did I think I was? We ran from shop to shop being so obnoxious. I felt like such a bad ass. I imagine that is what Victor Kelly from Resurrection Man felt like all the time. He killed people and did whatever he wanted all the time. I drunk on beer and high on Maui (although I wish it was more than just that). 

The next time I was drunk was at this beautiful outside restaurant. My drink came in a fake coconut that I kept as a souvenir, which ended up being a pain in the ass to lug back home, but I thought it was the coolest thing ever and so worth it. All I remember was taking a million pictures in this new turquoise dress I bought specifically for Hawaii. It was amazing running around the beach with all seven of us. I felt as if being drunk in Maui was better than being drunk in Florida. In that moment we were 


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