Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I need a vacation from this vacation

“It's only the end of our first week and already we're talking about home. Then again, every day here feels like five. Plenty of time to feel homesick”.

 Ever hear the term I need a vacation from this vacation? We’ve been here for almost two weeks. All I want to do is go home and snuggle with my dog and eat something that doesn’t have pineapple in it. We’ve been living out of a suitcase jumping from island to island every four to five days. I’m sharing a bed with both of them and I get stuck in the middle every damn time.  This time change is really kicking my ass too.

All fourteen of us were not stop the whole trip.
I felt like I had not time sit and smell the damn roses.

After two long uncomfortable flights we’re finally home.
As I sat there unpacking my overweight suitcase of clothes I didn’t wear and souvenirs I didn’t need I realize how much I missed living out of a suitcase. Walter Benjamin once said, "In principal a work of at has always been reproducible. Man made artifacts could always be imitated by men". But the natural beauty I saw in Hawaii could not come close to being replicated. 
Waking up at 5am to watch the sunrise and then taking a thirty-mile bike ride down an active volcano doesn’t seem so bad after all. And zip lining through the jungle, the terrifying helicopter tour, and swimming with dolphins in freezing cold water sounded like heaven. As a matter of fact I miss the hell out of not getting any sleep, being scared, and feeling outside of my comfort zone. Pineapples and pina coladas made me smile.

I felt homesick

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