“There’s always some
made up reason to go out here”
Aloha Hawaii. Until next time.
There is nothing worse than a six hour
drive back to good ole’ Tally after an amazing summer in Hawaii. No more..
umbrella drinks
active volcanoes
cheesy Hawaiin shirts
All I have to look forward to is mounds of books that I have
no interest in and papers I will probably throw away the second I’m get a grade
on them. Now and then I think back on the amazing summer I had in Hawaii and
how different it was from Florida. It was honestly like living in another
country. Like Hawaii wasn’t really apart of the United States.
I felt if I lived there I would be on vacation all the time.
I heard a worker at Starbucks there tell a co-worker she was leaving for
vacation. I though to myself, “where in the world does someone from Hawaii go
on vacation?!”. Everyone was in flip flops all the time and no one had to brush
their hair or wear uncomfortable clothes to work every day. Every now and then
I picture what my life would be like if I actually lived in Hawaii. I could
take up surfing lessons or even become a dolphin trainer!
It’s always nice to
dream about what life could be...
At the beginning of this semester I was not looking forward to the blog assignments. I thought they were a waste of time and didn’t think I had anything interesting to talk about. Luckily, I was very wrong. I truly enjoyed the blog assignments for many different reasons. The theme of my blog posts was my vacation to Hawaii over the summer. I truly enjoyed being able to let people know about my awesome experiences even if it was just a class assignment. It was nice reminiscing of the memories I made there. It was fun to look at my pictures and basically pick which pictures I liked the most. I also like that there was only five blogs. There were just enough to write about before I started to have to make stuff up. I made my blog like it was personal diary or journal for the world to see. I did not try to make anything rhyme or make it too fancy. At first I though it was going to be difficult to interact with other blogs and try to connect them with what I was writing about, but it worked out perfectly. Interacting with the other blogs made me dig deeper and think of little or specific things from my trip that I would not have thought of if I were writing the blog myself. I think it is so cool how the blogs are related to intertextuality. Intertextuality is the relationship between literary texts and these blogs are a great example of the definition. To me, all the blogs are really one big blog. They all intertwine together some how. In Barthes article he talks about how the text is plural and that it accomplishes the plural of meaning. I feel that this relates to our blogs. Since there are so many blogs I feel that any reader could take away their own meaning of the blogs they read.